
Module 1: Professional Profiles

Student Success System  / Module 1 /  Professional Profiles  / Module 1

Linkedin Training - Professional Social Media Network

(Find job & career opportunities. Promote yourself on a

platform where employers are looking for job candidates!

Linkedin Training - The Professional Social Media

  1. Before you watch the last video and start creating your profile, create a gmail for your professional career.

Even if you already have one, create a new one. Main purpose is we want a brand new email that only has relevant information in the inbox. This name for your email can be something that incorporates your name and your industry - Lancethewelder@gmail.com). We will use this same email for all social media profiles related to your career

  1. Sign up to LinkedIn using this gmail 
  2. Go to your profile page
  3. Come back to this tab and start video

Linkedin: Professional Profiles


You are now complete with week #1

Module 1

Professional Profiles

To complete this section:

The purpose of this section is to give you the tools to build a Linkedin Profile that will:

  1. Have employers reaching with job opportunities
  2. Create other income generating opportunities
  3. Grow and expand your professional network
  4. Connect you with mentors, apprenticeships, etc.


  1. Linkedin Training
  2. Complete the three forms
  3. Complete the "Linkedin Success Guide" Action Steps


Linkedin - Success Guide

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